Using Composer to install Drupal 8 & Commerce on Docker local environment with

28 February 2017
  • Create a new repository in GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket (or equivalent) for your project and clone it locally.
  • `cd` into your site directory, then `git checkout -b dev` to create the dev branch.
  • Run composer project creation to create an install of Drupal 8, but with customisations to make it work nicely with amazee.iocomposer create-project amazeeio/drupal-project:8.x-dev MY-SITE --stability dev --no-interaction
  • move the files in the folder MY-SITE up in the folder above, then deleted MY-SITE.
  • Edit docker-compose.yml and include your hostname (if you are have been given one, if not request it from the team or add this later when you’re ready to go live)
  • Edit .amazeeio.yml and include your sitegroup (if you are have been given one, if not request it from the team or add this later when you’re ready to go live)
  • Add the Drupal Packagist repository to allow Composer to find Commerce and the other Drupal modules composer config repositories.drupal composer
  • Run amazee docker locally (cachalot / pygmy)
  • Run drush si to install drupal and create a database
  • Open your local site in the browser (type url to find out what it is)
  • edit `settings.php` to include the following line at the bottom, this will change your config sync folder to the site docroot instead of sites/default/config `$config_directories[CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY] = ‘../config/sync’;`
  • Run drush cex to import your initial config, then commit your changes
  • Configure all standard site settings
  • Run drush cex again, then commit your changes
  • Enable the Commerce modules by going to admin/modules, typing commerce and ticking the relevant checkboxes